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Exploration of new GCS Sites and role of geophysical techniques in India
By Nimisha Vedanti, Senior Principal Scientist, NGRI October 11th 2024, at 9:00am CST (7:30pm IST)
Dr. Nimisha Vedanti is a Senior Principal Scientist at CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad. Her research focuses on electrical and electromagnetic methods in geophysics, with applications in mineral exploration, groundwater studies, and carbon capture and storage.Add to CalendarDr. Nimisha Vedanti
India has committed to reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level. These are highly ambitious commitments and to achieve that NITI Aayog recommended developing a CO2 storage infrastructure in India in a systematic manner. The CCS projects in India are at nascent stage and all we know theoretical potential of some geological sites. Further studies revealed that in most of the cases theoretical potential are very off due to contradictory assumptions about pore space availability. Given the dearth of data pertaining to geological storage sites in India, a feasibility assessment for geological storage projects is challenging at this point. Many agencies have launched their CCS programs but most of such programs are focussed on Carbon Capture and Utilization. The acceptance for Geological Carbon Storage is still low. Considering the present status of geological carbon storage in India, here we discuss the best practices that can be systematically adopted towards CCS deployment in Indian fields, and how geophysics can play a major role. The most important step is to demonstrate the applicability of geophysical data sets in the exploration of new GCS sites to bring confidence in the end users, policy makers and the local public for wider acceptance and deployment.